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Come to me, drink and find peace

Recently I was able to complete a special commissioned painting that is somehow quite unusual for my art. It is so different in its colors and expression.

That is the impression I received for the client.

“I’ve been praying for you for a really long time. This is the impression I received for you. I saw Jesus sitting at the well waiting for you. He has invited you to come to him, to rest with him, to find peace and drink your fill, to have fellowship with him. He takes time for you, is there for you.

“Come to me, come to me, find peace. Come and drink your fill. There is enough!"

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Leave behind true love

Lasst wahre Liebe zürück

© Copyright 2024 by

While I was in the hospital some time ago, I had a deep encounter with God. I prayed for a country I have visited many times. It is currently not possible to travel there. Suddenly I became aware of how God is secretly acting on them. We planted a seed that is now sprouting. Now they have to reach to reach out to God themselves. They are allowed to recognize what God has placed in them and what is already in them.

When we said goodbye on a trip, we were told: “I have always asked you to make sure that you don't leave anything behind. Now I ask that you leave something behind: true love!”

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Rise and Fly

Erhebe Dich und fliege

© Copyright 2024 by

In my art newsletter I gave away an original prophetic painting to people who gave me feedback. This picture was created of that. As the winner did not want to purchase the original herself, so I am offering it for sale here.

The impression was this:

When I prayed for you, I saw something like a round temple, but with a ballustrade or wall that opened outward into the landscape. The landscape was beautiful, vast and just to be enjoyed. Leaning against the wall was something like a pair of wings, like those seen in carnival costumes. Next to it was a large container of glue.

My impression was that these wings were actually your wings. That you were made to fly. But someone had managed to captivate you and prevent you from flying. He also tried to use the glue to keep you on the ground so that you couldn't stand up to fly under any circumstances. That hurt you deeply, so much so that you didn't want to fly anymore.

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Sin and the fiery love of God

Sünde und die feurige Liebe Gottes

There are some scandals currently in the Christian scene, where great Christian leaders and praisers are obviously involved in severe sin, and prophets with major character flaws were allowed to serve because people wanted to experience their great gift.

I am moved by the abysses in people's lives, but also by the lack of maturity in the body of Christ to deal with them appropriately. Why is it difficult for people to seek help and open up to someone? Another person's sin is always bad, but there are explanations for your own.

And then there is the fiery love of God that endures such tension and welcomes us with love and grace as we run to Him. Let us run into His arms so that He can fill us and we become full of His love, so that He can fill our love tank so that such comforters are no longer necessary.

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Prophetic Art: The Fiery Bride of Christ

A week ago, together with the Gebetshaus München , I had the opportunity to spend a day of prayer in the Altenhohenau Monastery at Father’s House of the Nations. In addition to our house of prayer, a total of 8 houses of prayer and ministries were there, such as FHN Upperroom, HOP Basel, Loretto Salzburg, Kingdom Impact, House of Prayer Augsburg and a few others.

Our contribution should be about the Bride of Christ. That's why I asked Jesus beforehand what a picture I wanted to create that day might look like. This is how the picture that I can present to you today was created.

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Prophetic commission drawing: Broadening horizons and new encounters with God


Today I can introduce you to another prophetic commissioned painting from a commissioner who was previously unknown to me. She ordered the picture for herself.

This is what I wrote to the client about the impression I had on her:

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Prophetic Secret Santa: Prepare for your Kairos moment

Bereite Dich auf Deinen Kairosmoment vor

I lead a prophetic group called “Eagle Nest” where we want to grow together in our prophetic gifts. Every year we celebrate New Year's Eve together. We have a tradition of giving each other prophetic Secret Santa. Everyone has the task of asking God what he should give to an unknown recipient. Of course, I always created a prophetic picture.

This year I found my picture to be particularly successful. This is the impression I added to the image (we drew recipients):

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Prophetic commissioned painting: From the trenches to the peace of the cradle

Vom Kampfplatz zur Ruhe

I was able to complete another prophetic painting before Christmas. After the client had already commissioned a picture for two daughters, the third was now for her husband as a Christmas present.

I shared this impression about the picture:

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Prophetic commissioned painting: From the narrowness over the stars into the vastness

Aus der Enge über die Sterne in die Weite

I am very happy that I was able to create his 6th commissioned painting for a good friend. He had repeatedly ordered pictures for himself and also for family members. This time he had ordered a picture for himself again in order to receive instructions from God for the coming year.

I wrote this impression to my friend about the picture:

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Overcome the abyss with love - two commissions with overwhelming feedback

Überwinde den Abgrund mit Liebe

As already described in the last post , last year I suddenly received two commissions from a woman I didn't know. It was my first order in about half a year. So here is my picture for the husband and the impression that goes with it. At the end I'll post the moving feedback again.

Zwei Auftragsbilder

Here is the impression that I gave to the husband:

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