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Mourning into Dancing

© Copyright 2022

Dieses Bild ist während einer Gebets- und Lobpreiszeit spontan entstanden. Es gibt eine Textpassage, die mich in letzter Zeit immer wieder begleitet. Sie stammt ursprünglich aus dem Song “Love on Fire” von Jeremy Riddle:

I put off all my heaviness and

I put on this garment of praise

You turned my mourning into dancing

And You turned my night into day

Es ist eine Sache, dass Jesus unsere Trauer in Tanzen verwandelt, aber eine andere Sache selbst aus aller Schwere heraus zu treten und sie immer wieder abzustreifen. Das geht durch Tanzen natürlich ganz wunderbar :).

Das Original des Bildes kann gekauft werden oder verschiedene Prints und Leinwände davon angefertigt werden.

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I love Your Presence

I love Your Presence

© Copyright 2022 by

This picture was created during a very brilliant worship time in the House of Prayer in Munich. The presence of God shaped the atmosphere of this time and was like a river of liquid fire as we sang over and over again:
“I love Your Presence” (Wir lieben Deine Gegenwart).

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The Heavenly Chariot

Der Himmlische Streitwagen

© Copyright 2022 by

I was once again allowed to create an commission for a customer who was already very satisfied with a painting from me a year earlier.

I wrote this to the client:

When I prayed for you, I got a very unusual impression. For I saw you driving a chariot of the kind used in ancient times in chariot racing or in war. What was unusual about the scenery, however, was that the carriage was not pulled by a team of horses, but by a huge, flying dove. And the chariot flew through lofty heights and moved very quickly across the sky. It was quite fiery and passionate to the point.

I believe that the picture means that God is going to speed you up, that you are going much faster now. That God will enable you through the Holy Spirit (the dove) to move in the spiritual sphere and no longer let earthly entanglements hold you back.

But I also think that this is an invitation to you, which you can probably choose again and again.

Reach out and grasp the hand of God. Have fun, it will be exciting!

I received very enthusiastic feedback from the client:

And what can I say... the picture is so incredibly beautiful!! I love it and could watch it all the time, it brings me to tears! The dove is so beautiful, it looks so strong, full of power. And the golden fiery looks so regal. I am impressed and grateful for the picture, painted just for me.

And the message behind it is fierce. I am so thankful to God that he wants me to look deeper into the spiritual world. This is something I wish very much. Being closer to him, being totally guided by the Holy Spirit, trusting him absolutely, more of his gifts... it fills me with gratitude and humility that God wants to give this to me.

Thank you Johannes, I think what you do is so strong and great. That you use your talents like this! I want to encourage you to keep doing this because you are a blessing to others!

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Art Calendar 2023 - Wall and Postal Calendars

After the art calendar was a great success after initial difficulties (I don't even have a personal copy), I decided to offer calendars again for 2023.

This time I'm offering two different calendars: one wall calendar and a Postcard calendar with standee.

Deckblatt - Wandkalender
wall calendar (German)
Deckblatt - Postkartenkalender
postcard calender (German)

Both calendars contain completely different images. With the postcard calendar, the calendar can be separated from the motif and used as a postcard. You can send the card in Germany or just hang it on the fridge or pin board.

The designs are not final yet. So I'm happy about feedback, corrections or suggestions.

Pre-orders can be made now. The calendars will not go to print until enough orders have been received. The lower pre-order price is available until September 30th, 2022, the more quantities you order, the cheaper it will be for you.

If the minimum order quantity has been reached, I will send you the invoices. Then the orders are also binding. I then use the money to pay for the printing. I will send you the calendars in good time before Christmas so that you can still send them as gifts yourself.

I created an overview page for both calendars, where you can see the designs and motifs in large and read the stories behind the pictures.