Each fruit takes its time (Canvas)

30,00 120,00 

Diese spontane, prophetische Bild habe ich auf einem Einsatz auf der “Langen Kunst Nacht” in Landsberg a. Lech begonnen.  Jede Frucht braucht Zeit zum Heranreifen, es dauert uns manchmal viel zu lange. Manche Früchte brauchen sogar Frost, damit sie die notwendige Süße und Reife erhalten. Als Kinder haben wir Pflaumen geerntet als es schon kalt und diesig war.

If something is taking longer in your life, it may be because your fruit has yet to ripen.

But that's not all we're happy about; we also rejoice in the hardships we are going through now.
For we know that adversity teaches us to persevere, and those who have learned to persevere are tried, and being tried breeds hope.
And in our hope we will not be disappointed. For God has given us the Holy Spirit and through him has filled our hearts with the assurance that he loves us. Romans 5:3-5

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20 x 30 cm, 40 x 60 cm, 80 x 120 cm


black, mirrored


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