The Fiery Bride of Christ (Original)


Together with the Gebetshaus München I was on a powerful day of prayer in the Altenhohenau monastery, which 8 prayer houses carried out together. Our contribution should be about the Bride of Christ. That's why I asked Jesus beforehand what a picture I wanted to create that day might look like.

I saw the bride dressed in white, glowing brightly in the dark and leaving a fiery trail behind her. In her hand she had a fiery sword. When the bride of Christ, i.e. the Christians in the world, recognizes who she is in Jesus, she has real radiance and impact on the outside world.

© Copyright 2024 by

On request, the picture is of course also available as an art print, poster, canvas or as a custom-made product such as a pillow or blanket.

1 in stock


I have created a large number of paintings that were not commissioned paintings. Mostly they were created in a time of worship or prayer and have a prophetic meaning.

I have posted some of these originals here. There are many more that I will gradually add here.
Feel free to browse through my Galleries and see, if you want to buy one of those pictures .
Please contact me even if this picture is not listed here yet.

If you like I write a personal dedication to it.

In the galleries on you can browse throough all of my paintings: click
Mostly there will be an own blog posting, where you will find more details about the picture.


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