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Prophetic Art: Each Fruit Takes Its Time (Colored Pencil)

Jede Frucht braucht ihre Zeit

I began to create this spontaneous, prophetic picture on an outreach auf der “Langen Kunst Nacht” in Landsberg a. Lech begonnen.  Jede Frucht braucht Zeit zum Heranreifen, es dauert uns manchmal viel zu lange. Manche Früchte brauchen sogar Frost, damit sie die notwendige Süße und Reife erhalten. Als Kinder haben wir Pflaumen geerntet als es schon kalt und diesig war.

If something is taking longer in your life, it may be because your fruit has yet to ripen.

© Copyright 2022 by

But that's not all we're happy about; we also rejoice in the hardships we are going through now.

For we know that adversity teaches us to persevere, and those who have learned to persevere are tried, and being tried breeds hope.

And in our hope we will not be disappointed. For God has given us the Holy Spirit and through him has filled our hearts with the assurance that he loves us.

Romans 5:3-5

You can purchase this painting in the following ways:
prints (art prints, poster)
Other products (such as pillows, blankets, etc.) on request

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DNdG XIV – Vom Winde verweht

In meiner neuen Episode meiner Videoserie “Die Nacht des Geschichtenerzählers” erzähle ich euch eine Geschichte, die ich im Gebetsgarten auf dem Christival 96 erlebt habe.

Die Nacht des Geschichtenerzählers XIV - Vom Winder verweht

Dieses Ereignis beschreibt auf sehr schöne Weise welche Auswirkungen Stürme auf unser Leben haben, wenn wir alleine sind oder wenn wir Teil einer funktionierenden Gemeinschaft sind.

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Prophetic Art: Let Incense Rise (Colored Pencil)

This spontaneous, prophetic picture was created during a prayer and worship time in the house of prayer Munich. The picture is inspired by the song "Worthy of it all", where in one line it says:

Day and night, night and day, let incense arise (Tag und Nacht, Nacht und Tag, lass Weihrauch aufsteigen)

Here, incense is a picture of our devotion, worship, and praise, rising like incense to God in heaven.

© Copyright 2022 by

You can purchase this painting in the following ways:
prints (art prints, poster)
Other products (such as pillows, blankets, etc.) on request

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Prophetic Art: The Bleeding Heart (Colored Pencil)

Blutendes Herz

© Copyright 2022 by

This spontaneous, prophetic picture was created during a worship time in my home group. In our lives we experience hurt and disappointment again and again, so that our heart bleeds and hurts.

But we don't have to hide this bleeding heart, we can hold it out to Jesus because he wants to heal it. He can even restore our hearts so much that new passion and fire pour out of them.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147: 3

You can purchase this painting in the following ways:
prints (art prints, poster)
Other products (such as pillows, blankets, etc.) on request

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Video: Zeugnis mit proph. Kunst – Du bist nicht allein

In diesem Video erzähle ich euch eine kleine Geschichte, die sehr gut zu meinem Buntstiftbild “You are not alone (assistance)” passt.

This story clearly shows that we never walk alone, even if we have to go through the forest at night.

You can see the painting and its description in English here: click
You are welcome to buy art prints, posters or other reproductions of the painting: prints | Canvas

Zeugnis mit prophetischer Kunst_004 -Du bist nicht allein

If you liked the video, please give me a like, comment and share the video. Thank you very much!

You can hear the full song from the video here: click

Subscribe Video by Burak Kiraz / Pixabay
Sound: “Digital Ghosts” Unicorn Heads

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Prophetic Art: Wounds transformed into Glory (colored pencil)

Wunden verwandelt in Herrlichkeit (Buntstift)

© Copyright 2022 by

This spontaneous, prophetic painting was created at a seminar with Katja Vosseler. In our lives we repeatedly experience deep injuries that change our lives forever. We often think we'll never get over it.

But through Jesus these wounds can be healed in such a way that the scars turn into diamonds. We can help others who have been through similar things and show them the way to healing. Our wounds turn into glory!

You can purchase this painting in the following ways:
prints (art prints, poster)
Other products (such as pillows, blankets, etc.) on request

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Prophetic Art: The Dragon and the Woman

Der Drache und die Frau

© Copyright 2022 by

Heute darf ich euch ein neues Auftragsbild präsentieren. Es war der dritte Auftrag einer Freundin für eine mir unbekannte Empfängerin.

Das Original ist natürlich nicht mehr verfügbar. Aber gerne könnt ihr das Bild in verschiedenen Formaten und Ausführungen bestellen:

I wrote this to the recipient:

Hello dear unknown recipient of the picture,
I have a prophetic picture for you today after […] asked me to pray for you and ask Jesus what He wants to say to you through me. I should paint what I received as a picture for you.

So when I was praying for you, this picture came up very quickly. I saw a large red dragon curled up to sleep. It was totally dark around him and there was scorched earth everywhere. In the midst of it all, a woman stood paralyzed because she was pinned right behind the dragon's neck. At first the woman was totally overwhelmed and was rigid with fear. She didn't know what had happened to her and how she could get out of the precarious situation.

But the longer she was in the situation, the more she realized that she was already light here. Her immediate surroundings were illuminated by your presence alone (or Jesus within you). There was even green grass growing around her. She recognized more and more the authority she has in Christ and began to take her stand. Eventually she even found joy in conquering this land for Jesus and in triumphing over the circumstances and in even shaping the atmosphere.

I wish that this picture will help you to look away from your challenging circumstances (the dragon and the scorched land) and to see more and more who you are in Christ and the authority you are given through His blood and His name. Take your country! Jesus is in and with you!

"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
1 John 4:4

Have fun with the picture. I look forward to feedback.”

Johannes Spörl